Saturday, August 22, 2020

Downtown at Sunrise


This morning I headed to downtown, where in the sunrise light I saw the new Circa hotel-casino illuminated.

In a state with an economy built on tourism and gambling, I've always been amused that gambling is called "gaming."

That's why I always enjoy stores that tell it like it like it is -- and what it is is gambling.

I also adored this bike rack on Main Street.

And there was something about this scene that said, "Old economy, new economy."

I began bicycling down las Vegas Boulevard and saw the big Welcome to Las Vegas structure that is being built in front of The Strat.


The Strip was quiet at 7 a.m. Kind of like how it was when so many people were bilking the Strip when it the hotel-casinos were closed in April and May.

Then it was off to the Raiders' new football stadium, which is a massive update from their previous Alamada stadium home.

1 comment:

The Old Guy Bicycle Blog said...

I loved the pictures of the stadium. How magnificent. I bet the players felt like they had moved into a mega mansion after playing in the old stadium in Oakland.

You don't often think of riding in a place like Vegas with such little traffic. I thought it was cool to see your view in the early morning.