If you've been to any local government meeting, you quickly realize that these public forums are not the most exciting events. Politicians on the board talk on and on and the public gets very little time to throw in their two cents.
And when there is a public hearing, you sign up and often wait and wait -- and wait -- and wait.
Just consider the poor schmucks who gave to cover these little snippets of Jeffersonian Democracy as news reporters.
Like I did for more than 20 years as a newspaper writer. Ramapo town planning board. Walden village board. Denver city council aviation committee. Nyack zoning board of appeals. And on and on and on. I'll spare you all the rest. You get the point.
But everyone now and then, it's a good idea to pop in on a local meeting and let your voice be heard and your bicycle be seen.
I'm asking you as a bicyclist to show up at a Hillsborough County Commission hearing on the one-penny transit tax proposal at 6 PM on May 13 (next Thursday) at the All Peoples Life Center, at 6105 East Sligh Avenue (1 block East of 56th Street behind King High School).
I will be leading a SWFBUD bike ride to the hearing. We will meet at 4:45 PM at the Seminole Heights Garden Center, 5800 Central Ave. and depart at 5 PM for a five-mile bike ride to the hearing venue.
Or you can simply drive there to attend the meeting.
Regardless of your transportation mode, wear something that indicates that you're a bicyclist and tell the 7 county commissioners that bicyclists are valuable players in any mass transportation system and that better transportation means better bicycle infrastructure.
It means light rail stations with secure bike storage areas, light rail cars that allow bicyclists and more bike lanes on roads that lead to bus and light rail stations.
But show up and let the public know that there are thouands of bicyclists in this county who want better facilities for bicyclists.
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