I promise you this: If the Rays clinch a playoff spot this year, I will personally lead a 100-mile Tour de Dunkin bike ride the next day on a route specifically designed to hit as many Dunkin Donuts shops as possible. I say America Bikes on Dunkin!
Today, I stopped at a Dunkin Donuts on Gandy Avenue in Tampa to pick up my free donut -- my favorite Rays victory donut, double chocolate. I got this fella to pose with the goods. Behind the laughs and donuts is the fact that bicycling is beautiful -- it allows you to make human connections, which is why I love cycling. And besides, it's a good way to stay in shape and save a few bucks (a lot of bucks) by not using gasoline.
Here's my Starting 9 Dunkin Donuts:
Leadoff -- Blueberry cake
Batting Second -- Bavarian Creme
In The Third "Hole" -- Double Chocolate
Cleanup -- Chocolate Glazed
Batting Fifth -- Peanut
Sixth Hole -- Chocolate coconut
Seventh -- Jelly filled
Eighth -- black raspberry
And batting ninth -- old fashion plain cake
In the National League, the DH would have to be a pink iced donut with sprinkles.
Alan, this a great blogspot. I have added it on my spot at Have Bike . . .Will Travel (http://nikthestik.blogspot.com)
and will check back often. The Bicycle Bash sounds like it would be a fun time.
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