The Florida Cycling Hall Of Fame Needs Nominations and a Voting Committee.
Many of the state's top cyclists have gone unrecognized for many tears and there is no long lasting record of past champions of cycling or the ambassadors of cycling to recognize their achievements. Those who are elite cyclists or contributed to the development of cyclists are deserving of recognition. Who started cycling clubs and who orchestrated the building of Florida's mountain bike trails? Where is the record of Florida's most achieved cyclists?
The Florida Cycling Hall of Fame intends to gather this information and create a system to identify the deserving contributors and achievers in Florida cycling. This program hopes to be dedicated to preserving the history of Florida cycling with an upcoming 2008/9 Hall of Fame inductee process.
Various cyclists have been nominated with a number of categories.
Check them out here.
And there's a blog, too
Some categories:
Male and Female Cyclist of the Year: (to be expanded to Past - non active cyclists) currently this program is aware of some of the names of past cyclists that come from Florida and moved on to race with Pro Teams. We ask assistance in gathering the appropriate information to nominate these individuals.
Multi Discipline Cyclists of the Year
Male and Female Junior Cyclists of the Year (under 18)
Cycling Business Contributor of the Year
Cycling Club Founder/Trail Builder/Cycling Ambassador of the Year
This program also needs to develop a committee that will be voting on the nominees. These nominees need to be both male and female cycling advocates as well as cycling with extensive competitive cycling experience. Should you have an interest or information on who might be interested please so advise.
Contact Kurt at for more information.

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