Get out your calendars. The Seminole Heights Bicycle Club's steering committee has packed this fall's schedule with several terrific bicycle events. In addition to the regular rides held during the first, second and third Saturdays of every month, the SHBC has planned:
Sept. 26, 8 PM: The Bo's Ride. Get your lights and get ready for a night-time bike ride to Bo's Ice Cream parlor on Florida Avenue.
Oct. 11, 11 AM-4 PM: The 2009 Bicycle Bash by the Bay, Presented by Cure on Wheels. Look for the SHBC tent at the Bicycle Bash -- Tampa Bay's bicycle festival at North Straub Park in downtown St. Petersburg.
Nov. 7: Wow -- a tripleheader. First, 8:30 AM, enjoy the Tour de Brisket bike ride, an easy 5-mile ride through Seminole Heights. Second, Mid-Day, look for the SHBC tent at the Fall Festival in Seminole Heights. Third, it's the famed SHBC Movie Night with a pot luck at 6 PM and a bicycle-theme movie -- The Amateur -- at 7 PM.
Nov. 28: The Thanksgiving Leftovers Ride. A bike ride to the 22nd Street Park for a meal of leftovers!
Dec. 5: 8:30 AM, The Holiday Ride at 8:30 AM, the easy family ride followed by an evening holiday party at the home of SHBC members Faye and Wes.
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