ESOPUS, NY (Hudson Valley) — A 68-year-old man died Thursday morning after the bicycle he was riding struck a deer, Ulster County Sheriff's Office officials said.
Warren “Bud” Clarke was riding his bicycle on Pokonie Road in the hamlet of Ulster Park when he collided with the deer and was knocked off his bike. He was later pronounced dead at Benedictine Hospital in Kingston. Police said he had been wearing a helmet.
Clarke was a former member of the county tourism board and founded the Clarke/Thompson Advertising & Design company with his wife.
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The best food writer in Florida just happens to work for the Tampa Tribune and I'm proud to call myself a good friend of this guy. Jeff Houck writes, blogs and comments about the people who do food -- not the same, boring recipe stories you see printed year after year at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Halloween. He uses every media at his disposal and has some terrific stuff in a recent podcast. Jeff talked with Chris Cosentino, a big-time chef and former professional cyclist. He talked a little about his endurance cycling during the show.
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Do you want to be a volunteer for the 2009 Bicycle Bash by the Bay, Presented by Cure on Wheels on Oct. 11 in downtown St. Petersburg. I need your help. Contact me at We are having a Bicycle Bash by the Bay volunteers meeting on Sept. 12.
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The town of Jupiter Island in Martin County -- about 30 miles north of West Palm Beach Post on Florida's East Coast -- is proposing to ban bicycle groups of five or more in its swanky town of huge estates, mansions, compouunds and hedges. I used to bike on Jupiter Island all the time when I lived in Martin County and let's just say the people who live there are not the most hospitable folk.
Should your bike group bike single file or two-abreast -- and how many bicyclists should you have in a single group? Mighk Wilson has some interesting things to say on the matter.
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Uh-oh, looks like the bikini-thong bicyclist of Tallahassee got in hot water for showing a bit too much.
I'd hate to be the witness to the bikini-bicyclist's junk down below, if ya know what I mean.

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