Seems like there's a wave of cool environmental green events washing over the Tampa Bay area. Last week, I represented SWFBUD at the Going Green Expo at the USF Sundome and this afternoon I put up the Seminole Heights Bicycle Club banner at the ECO.lution event at Gaslight Park in downtown Tampa. It was put on by the Urban Charrette, a group of architects, planners and livability folks hoping to get people in action to make Tampa a better place to live, walk, bike and work.
Here, SHBC member Yvon Limerick shows off our new SHBC banner donated by the The Sign Art Group on Florida Avenue in SH.
On Sunday, come visit the SHBC table at the Earth Day event at the Lowry Park corner at North Boulevard and Sligh Avenue. It's 11 AM to 4 PM.

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