There is no one type of bicycling. There are many. You can race, you can tour, you can leisurely pedal your way along a home tour -- such as the Old Seminole Heights Home Tour on Sunday April 5 in two weeks.
I represented the Seminole Heights Bicycle Club today and broke out the errand bike to liesurely bike the home tour with bike home tour master, Jim Shirk. It's a pleasant 5.5 miles mapped out by Jim and it promises to be a pleasant ride for anyone who chooses to visit the houses on the tour via bicycle.
I will be stationed during the OSH Home Tour at Hillsborough High School, inflating tires and basically checking out bikes to make sure they're road worthy. Other SH Bike Club members will be there, too. So, come on down and do the home tour.
Jim checks out an actual house on the tour. The homes will be a real treat to visit.
Jim takes a short sidewalk to cut through to Hillsborough Avenue and continue the home tour.
After the easy 5.5-mile Seminole Heights home tour route, it was off to the Fun Lan market to stock up on strawberries.
There's only one way to transport strawberries -- and that's by rear bicycle rack, my friends. By the way, those strawberries weighed in at a whopping three bucks. But don't tell anyone.
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