Friday, June 1, 2012

Friendship TrailBridge Update

From Ken Cowart, one of the authors of the plan to rehab the closed Friendship TrailBridge:

"I know it appears that we've been silent for the last few days, but rest assured there has been plenty of great "behind the scenes" action taking place. First and most important, Hillsborough County BOCC has once again moved the vote. It is now on the June 27th agenda. BUT WAIT! We still plan on having a showing of support on June 6th. It is very likely that our plan will be discussed on the 6th, so we still need everyone to attend in support. There will be a short volunteer meeting on June 5th in the evening to give everyone an update on our plan. Look for a FB event posted shortly with the information.
Thanks for your support and please tell your friends to sign up at our website"

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The high court's decision overrules an current anti-trust law that made MAP deals unlawful. Later on, legal courts will assess each individual case to figure out if it breaks anti-trust regulations.

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