TBARTA is the same agency that at the start didn't show bicycles in its materials or slide shows and didn't have bicycles as part of a rendering showing downtown Tampa transportation center to a Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
I remember about three or four years ago Karen Kress, the super bicycle lady of the Tampa Downtown Partnership, spoke to the TBARTA board about an issue and ended her chat with a suggestion that the transportation agency have a bike rack in front of its building.
For years, this agency located at the USF campus off Fowler Avenue never had a bike rack.
Even my emails didn't spark TBARTA to have a bike rack.
But I am a member of the Hillsborough/Tampa Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee and a few months I made a motion that our BPAC Chair Jim Shirk send a BPAC letter to TBARTA asking for a bike rack.
So just two days ago at our December BPAC meeting I saw a surprise -- a letter from TBARTA saying it has a bike rack.
I stopped by the TBARTA building at the USF Connect building Thursday and didn't see a bike rack out front but there were these bike lock-up hoops behind the building.
And because this is Tampa, you take what you can -- even if the bike lock-up area is behind the buulding and not in front.
Placing them behind the building speaks volumes about the attitude toward bicycles in the bay area.
Just like the fact that neither Dick's Sporting Goods or Sports Authority in Citrus Park have bike racks in front of their stores. After all, why in the world would someone expect a bike rack in front of stores that sell & repair bicycles. What an insane expectation.
Actually, from the USF perspective, and a lot of the people who visit the building are from USF, this is the functional front of the building. But the placement there IS strange, in a landscaped area covered with bark mulch. TBARTA (and before them, BACS) have been interested in getting bike racks for more than a year. The hang-up has been with the building manager, since this area is long-term leased from USF rather than managed by USF.
You are absolutely right. Bicycles are good means of transportation, it save fuel, it is environment friendly and healthy activity. If TBARTA has bike racks, then its means that they understand its importance. Other companies should also do such actions to promote bike awareness.
i think this is wondrfull idea.Placing bicycles behind the building isn't very big issue but i think we must see this in a positive manner.
My 4 bikes are been stolen due to parking reason.I think parking behind TBARTA is good
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