Biking in Manhattan. Buses and taxis and cars and scooters and pedestrians and motorcycles. And the giant buildings that soar into the sky.
It's chaotic and crazy and exhilirating and challenging all the same time.
I used to bike commute into Manhattan -- and Tuesday and today I was able to re-visit my old city route of cycling across the George Washington Bridge and cycling to below mid-town all the way on the opposite side of the Manhattan island to see my old newspaper and longtime pal Gary, who is a national editor at the Associated Press in New York.
Last night, we went to the Mets-Cardinals game at new Citi Field, a typical retro-style new ballyard in the Coors Field/Camden Yards-mode. Lots of points of sale on a wide main concourse, brick and metal touches throughout and improved food over the urine-and-grease pit known as Shea Stadium, the Mets' previous home.
Let's go for the tour of New York.
I see you, Empire State Building.
Bike lanes galore.
Cute little bikie.
Bike with great cages to carry stuff.
My favorite bookstore: The Strand just south of Union Square.
Gary checks out art at Union Square.
How cool is that -- a green bike lane leading to the Flatiron Building.
People wait on line for the Shake Shack at lunch for burgers. Supposedly, the best burgers in New York.
Fixed gears were everywhere in New York.
Gary is ecstatic after walking out of the parks workout facility with the special senior citizen membership of only $10 a year.
The view from Gary's apartment on the East Side.
Gary shows off the lovely Mets department store gear in true Jane Merrill fashion.
The Jackie Robinson Rotunda
Gary and I near the field during Cardinals batting practice.
Gary sits in a folding chair that the ushers gave us for our seat. Our seats were behind the last row of the upper bowl, in an area where physically disabled are usually situated.
Midtown Manhattan at rush hour.
Yes folks, that's New York City -- calm Riverside Drive after rush hour.
Walking up and down the stairs with my bike to gain access and leave the George Washington Bridge.
My last view of the Hudson River from Haverstraw -- serene watery beauty and green hills with Tilcon's quarry and smokestacks on the river.
Alan-that yellow track on the metal stairwell leaving the that to roll your bike on so you don't have to carry it? Looks neat if it is!
Indeed, you guide your bike down or up the yellow track that's attached to the GWB stairwells.
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