As you know, Hillsborough County's proposed budget calls for closing Flatwoods county park Monday and Tuesday.
This is unacceptable and SWFBUD (South West Florida Bicycle United Dealers) is asking bicyclists and park users to join a 5-mile bike ride to the county building on July 16 to tell the commissioners to Keep Flatwoods Open 7 Days a Week at a budget hearing at 6 PM in downtown Tampa.
SWFBUD is announcing a "Keep Flatwoods Park Open 7 Days a Week" Bike Ride from the Seminole Heights Garden Center at 5800 Central Avenue to the County Government Center for the first Budget Hearing on July 16. Email your contacts and tell others. 5PM: Meet in front of garden center on Central Avenue, a half-mile north of Hillsborough Avenue. Lots of space to park if necessary.
5:30PM: Reach county government building in downtown Tampa and sign up to speak.
6PM: Hearing begins.
Also, make your voice heard:
Call the budget hotline at 813-307-8337 at tell the county to keep Flatwoods open 7 Days a week.
Send an email to hcbudget@hillsboroughcounty.org
And show up July 16 at 6PM at County Government Center to speak at the hearing.
I have contacted the offices of all 7 County Commissioners and the aides for each commissioner provided the following information:
Rose Ferlita: Not available. Will get back to SWFBUD possibly tomorrow.
Ken Hagan: Opposes closing the park two days a week. He's asking budget officials to look for ways to restore the two days.
Kevin White: Aide will pass message to White to keep Flatwoods open 7 days a week..
Al Higginbothom. Supports not raising taxes. Looking for money to restoring those two days by knocking out "dead weight" in the budget and streamlining and cutting other areas. "We're trying to put money back to parks and see if cuts whether in other places.
Jim Norman: Jim is going to look to do everything he can to keep it open.
Kevin Beckner: Aide doesn't know and aide said Kevin Beckner will call.
Mark Sharpe: Eric the aide is getting a lot of requests and it's an issue to be determined. "We're getting hit on it on a daily basis. We hit a nerve on this one."
Budget Public Hearings (all starting at 6 p.m.) and Public Comment is taken:
Thursday, June 9, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009 (First State-Required Public Hearing to adopt tentative millage rates and a tentative budget)
Thursday, September 17, 2009 (Second State-Required Public Hearing to adopt final millage rates and the FY 10 operating and capital budgets)
Budget Workshops (all starting at 1:30 p.m.) and NO Public Comment is taken:
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 (if needed)
Thursday, July 30, 2009 - Budget Reconciliation